So this Scampi dude is still dancing around with a big head from being in Beagledoon... he is getting most annoying...

So I thought I would get into my Zen mode, and do a little of my yoga

A nice little stretch (Not my best side, Mom)

The this appeared and started to do it tooo!!!

Aghhh, no peace for me today, the mood is spoiled!

Tell me about it! Oh well can't live with them, can't live without them! xxx
BOL Don't you just hate it when they spoil the mood?
Big licks to you
Well, I think 'they' say imitiation is the sincerest form of flattery....
Hope THAT helps!
I gotta get some stretches in this morning. Time for some downward dog, but today, I am going to try it with my skwerl stuffy in my mouth.
hehehe, imitation is a form of flattering compliment. Me thinks Scampi is in admiration of yous.
Licks and Wags,
Tuffy of Dog Woods
Find your inner happy place, Kira. Tune out the world, tune into the zen......
Play bows,
Maybe distract her with replaying the show so you can get into zen mode. =)
Hehe, love your yoga moves....maybe Scampi thought you were inviting him to play Twister?
What a doofus! Hope you have a very zen Sunday!
Slobbers xx
Thanks for visiting our blog! You are such a beautiful Siberian! Mom told us you live a long long way from Iowa and we can't believe you never get snow!! Maybe we can send you some next winter!
Thor and Marco Polo
Two Siberian Huskies living in Des Moines, Iowa
All siblings are annoying, even if they are Sibes. Trust us.
Hi guys!
I thought I would stop by to let you know that if you are lookin' fur love you should stop by my blog as my brother Scooby has started a new "business". Come by and check it out.
Big licks to you
Brothers are really annoying. Always pushy and they think they should have all of attention.
Princess Eva
Obviously Scampi thinks you're the coolest dog in the house. He's trying to do everything you do!
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