Puttering around the yard

Mom says thanks for all of the kind words from my dog friends. The vet called last evening, the blood work shows the liver is good, but he is changing my seizure medicine, because of my bad heart to something that won't make my heart condition worse. The real bad news is that I won't be able to go to dog school until I can get all better, because they don't want to strain my heart with any undue excitement or stress. So I just stay home, nap, and chase squirrels. Not to bad, hopefully I won't get too bored.
Love and Puppy Kisses-Kira The BeaWootiful
Napping and chsing squirrels... Sound pawsome to me :D
Big licks to you
That was good news!
I'm sure you'll find lots of stuff to do so woo won't get TOOOOO bored!
Khyra The Pawsylvania Siberian
It is good to rest. Hope your mom fusses over you a lot and that you feel better soon.
Your friend,
Hi Kira
That really does sound like good news from the vet.
It really could have been worse!
You just rest and take things easy - even in the back yard something exciting can happen. Keep your eyes open for intruders whatever shape they may come in.
Remember Kira it is your job to be in charge.
Make sure you get plenty of attention - you deserve it!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
That is good news. Have plenty of rest. take care!!!
Just take it easy and look bewootiful! We want you to get better fast.
Napping and chasing squirrels? You have to get a doctors note to do that?
It doesn't look like you will have too much trouble taking it easy for a bit. Hope the meds work fast so you can go back to school.
Woo look beautiful in all your pics today.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
What a life, lounging by the pool, hanging out, napping. Sounds like the life of a star. You should think about joining the 'Make your pet a star' Sweepstakes at MyPetCareTV. All you have to do is create a profile on the site and you're automatically entered. Who knows you could be on your way to Hollywood, all expense paid.
Haroo Kira
We sure hope woo feel betta real soon and that woo get lots of special attention from efuryone.
We have a question for woo ~ do woo ever go swimming in that loverly pool?
Team Husky
That is great news. Keep up the beauty sleep it is working. =)
I'm so glad things went OK at the vet's!
I love the pix of you by the pool. Do you ever go swimming? I'm not sure if I'd like that or not.
Play bows,
I see that you like to sit on your outside table too!
We still have our paws crossed that your vet picks the perfect medicine for you so you can go back to school ASAP!
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