We are working hard in Mum's art studio,(Mum says ignore the mess!)
making sure she is working and not just messing around on the computer
. After all, someone has to work fur my kibble!
Answers to comments!
~My favorite comment of the week!~
Gail in Aberdeen said...
- There was a special supplement on dogs and cats in my paper on Saturday. The section on border collie temperament said "it's not easy living with a genius". Also, for space requirements "Wales". For the record, it warned that, with a Siberian husky "walks are virtually a full time job - especially when you factor in all the time you spend trying to find your missing dog..." Cheers! Gail.(Mum is still laughing over this one!)
3. Yes, I have been swimming already in my cement pond, I actually swim all year.... .
4. Mum cleaned up all of the leaves already
5. At dog school, I did a" run-through", where I pretend we are in the ring with a judge and he gives Mum commands, and I go along fur the fun of it!
Have a Happy Peaceful Day! -Kira The BeaWoootiful
Bol, Good job in supervising your human !
Bet Mom got a lot more done with your supervision.
Those are some nifty comments for sure. We all know how strange the border collie doggies are.
P.S. You call that a mess? We always have to crop the dog cave photos to hide the real state of affairs in there.
Work? WORK??
You might enjoy a few more of the comments on different breeds, from last Saturday's Guardian newspaper supplement:
Jack Russell terriers are described as ideal for "hard men desperate for a little dog to play with.... and people who enjoy being bitten". By contrast, Chihuahuas are made for "trendy city dwellers with no need to prove their masculinity" , and a Shih Tzu will suit "families that like to gather together by night to groom something..".
Cheers! Gail.
Ahhhhh. Utter relaxation!
We sure hope you don't get too tired doing all that hard work supervising. And Mom better have some good rewards for your help.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I like the way Scampi keeps all four of his paws together!
Woo know what they say.... "a working dog's work is never done."
Mom tried to have a Border Collie once. It only took a month for him to drive everyone to the brink of insanity. He went to live with a single guy with no life who has nothing to do but throw balls & frisbees - (they're both furry happy now.)
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
Hi Kira
We will need to ask what that supplement said about bassets!
We are also prone to disappearing.
We are glad you are snoopervising - someone sure has got to do it.
We are sure that you help your mom with artistic direction.
Have a great day.
Martha & Bailey xxx
You are great snoopervisors!! Looks like you were really working hard! HEHEHE!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Every Mom needs a bit of snoopervision!!
The Rocky Creek Scotties
OK then, more from the newspaper supplement: On Westies: Ideal for - everyone. Temperament - yappy, cheerful, bouncy and inquisitive, not unlike a small child and equally difficult to train. Space requirements - more than you think. Likely illnesses - itchy skin is a major problem. (All this seems true, based on my experience with Hamish, sadly, especially the itchy skin thing).
Sorry Martha and Bailey, there was nothing on Bassets.
We suspect that nothing would ever get done in the studio without you guys supervising. Great job!
I really like your Answers to Comments segment. We should all incorporate it randomly. I know sometimes I do it because... I'm provoked!!! BOL
I keep forgetting to tell you, I love your new layout and it's MUCH faster to load too
Hey, we know you and Scampi were really on guard duty. We look like that sometimes, but the least little strange noise and we're up..........
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra and Bella
Fur some reason my mom has THAT smile AGAIN after reading the nice Gail lady's khomment ;-)
Pawesome job supervising KTB!
You are working way to hard. BOL
Benny & Lily
It's impawtant to snoopervise our moms to make sure they don't goof off on the job. You two are doing a great job! Don't overdo it though!
Hi, Kira!
I can see you and Scampi did a great snoopervision job!
Kisses and hugs
What paweseome snoopervisers you two are!!
Good job supervising, you guys! Grammy loved the comment answers, too! Especially the Border Collie one, as she says you just have to keep their minds occupied 24/7. That is why she's trained Sadie to clean the house! While she sits at the computer and types/studies/etc., Sadie brings her stuff that the pups have torn up, and she just breaks of a small piece of jerky that she keeps beside her, takes the stuff from Sadie and puts it in the wastebasket she keeps beside her. Sadie works until Grammy tells her "that's enough- go lay down," and then she takes a break until Grammy gets up and sits down again for whatever reason...
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