and this ran across the street in front of us
(sorry fur the blurry picture, but we were trying to keep still so he would not notice us doggies)

we watched him quietly until he ran up a tree.
Mom was proud of us fur being quiet and not barking at it.
Scampi pretended he did not exist, I just watched quietly with my ears way up.
Then we finished our walkie.
PeeEss Woo- We will be gone fur a few days, Mom has a dog seminar with Laura Romanik this weekend, then she will be going to Georgia (at the Korean Embassy) fur a couple of days ( it is an 8 hour plus drive) with human brother to get his visa to go to work in Korea.
We will be back and catch up as soon as we can.
PeeEss Woo- We will be gone fur a few days, Mom has a dog seminar with Laura Romanik this weekend, then she will be going to Georgia (at the Korean Embassy) fur a couple of days ( it is an 8 hour plus drive) with human brother to get his visa to go to work in Korea.
We will be back and catch up as soon as we can.
Which flavour of GummiBear is THAT one?
(Khyra is so funny!)
We've never seen one of those on our walks. Only boring deer, bunnies, and squirrels here. Hope he found his way home safely!
What a furry thing! Good for woo two for not barking at it..! Hope the dog seminar goes well! Have a great weekend!
Wow! That's some teddy bear. Not something you imagine you'll run into on a walk.
Be here when you get back.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Wow! I suspect that if we had those things roaming the streets of Aberdeen I might not be let of my lead so frequently....
Toodle pip!
We want to live in your neighborhood! How exciting! But it was probably good that you were so quiet and didn't draw any attention to yourselves. Ambrose would have barked his silly head off.
Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
I didn't know you lived in the forest with all the wild animals. I also never knew there were big black bears down south. Go figure. I am glad that bear did not try to meet you.
P.S. Just another reason why the flashy beast should always be handy.
You know our Mom is way jelly - we live in the middle of the country and everyone around us sees bears but we have never seen one. And in the suburbs - you see a bear!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
You lives in da craziest place evers. I had no idea ya'll had bears in Florida...was dat a palm tree he climbed?
Haves a safe trip, see ya when yous get back.
Woo-sers! Um, probably a good thing woo didn't bark at it! We've NEVER sen one of those here... but mom says she saw a few of them when she visited the everglades - maybe your furry friend came from there?
jack a-roo & miss moo
A bear! What a neat encounter!
Enjoy your time off.
Wow, I bet he was hotter than you guys. Bears cruising the streets of Florida what next? Will he be swimming in your pool?
Remy and Flash
Holy smokes! Is that Smokey the Bear?!?!
Safe travels to your mom!
Crazy! I can't believe you were quiet. I would have been going nuts!
You guys get an A+ for staying quiet!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
WOW now that is cool and super scary all at the same time. We have never seen a bear especially not just on a walkie. Glad you were good and didn't barkie at him.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
A bear, oh my goodness!! I saw a rabbit this morning and I thought that was exciting!
Your pal, Pip
oh my! What kind of dog did THAT be?
You was very good!
Wow that's amazing!!!
We don't have anything like that in Ireland. All I get to see are horses and cows. And I find it hard to stay quiet so probably best we don't have bears here lol.
Kodi x
Hi, Kira!
You go out for a walkie and see a bear??
That is pawesome!
On my walkies I only see boring birds!
I wish your mom and human brother a nice and safe trip!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Wow wow wow you must smell sweet like honey with bears around. How did u stay quiet and out of sight? Mom too? Lions and tigers and .......
Oh my!
Wooo - that looks more like a walk around our neighborhood!
How scary, lucky he didn't see you !
Love from Bella.
Oh my, I'm glad you were quiet. I just saw a special on television that said dogs remind bears of wolves, so they are prone to attack them!
WOW!!! What an unexpected visitor during your walk. I'm very impressed that you guys stayed so quiet.
That sounds like a very cool trip to the Embassy, and also the seminar. I love reading her articles, I bet the seminar was a lot of fun. Can't wait to hear about it.
Also, thanks so much for your inspiring post about succeeding with non-traditional breeds. It gets really old hearing all the time about how only Goldens and Border Collies should be doing things.
Judging from my mommy's mental state, yours will be gone for more than a few days. Older brothers moving away are tough on doting parents. May yours be well, happy, healthy, and get to succeed in what he wants from his life.
Twinkie and family
Holy crap! That would have totally scared our human and I would have felt the need to chase it. Good thing you two are so well behaved!
I hope the poor thing found a safe place to go!
Wow, that's an urban or suburban bear! Amazing to see him in such a built-up area!
Good job, not barking, pups!
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