So, here I was having this nice nap in the front room. We have not done anything all weekend, because Mom and dad have been playing outside without us.

Then I heard a strange noise coming from the front. What is going on out there. I am not allowed out front without a leash, and I was not out there.

Then Mom put this thing in front of my viewing window...

How dare they do THAT without your snoopervising?
Khyra The Pawsylvania Siberian
Hi Kira,
Sorry that your parents were playing outside without you. At least you were able to catch up on your beauty sleep!
Perhaps you should offer your the services of your beawootiful floofy tail?
Me? I'd rather nap....and dream of you.....*sigh*
Smoochy slobbers from your lovemuffin Snoop xxxx
awwww--you look so sad in the last picture! maybe next weekend will be a play weekend...
Looks like Mom is getting ready for a stairmaster work out. Boring.
Our humans had ladders out at the weekend too to cut back the ivy!!
We had to stay in because we might cos an accident - I mean as if we would!!!
You do have a lovely view out of the window though.
Martha & Bailey xx
The last time The Herd helped with painting, Qannik became something other than a white dog. Not good.
We think they should let you dab your paws in the paint and practice your own painting skills. Who knows, you could be the next Picasso.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Likely story...trying to make you think PAINTING isn't playing! stupid do people think we are?!
I think you have every right to feel thoroughly slighted!!!
I've only helped with painting inside. I thought I was a big help but Momma says that I'm why there is dog fur in the paint on the walls.
Princess Eva
Were you able to do any snoopervising?
Play bows,
How were they able to do any painting without you snoopervising? Unbelievable!
Gail was also outdoors painting last weekend. I went out into the back garden to watch, but she carried me inside and imprisoned me in the front room, something about not wanting me to mess up the newly painted door. But the rain did that for her anyway!
Cheers, Hamish.
Now how much would it be to see Kira outside with that paint???? NOT!!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
A few months ago, Mom and Dad got out a ladder and painted inside. They put up a big barricade so we couldn't go in the room. I thought I could have really helped. Don't you think a husky tail would make a good brush?
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