After the dreaded bath, also comes the dreaded grooming....

And for those of you who wondered if Scampi did walk the plank... he is still here
as psychotic as ever... Mom said he was acting so paranoid today, something different was happening with the door today, it kept blowing open and closing with the wind, which for some reason really freaked him out... he is so strange....
Nap time!
as psychotic as ever... Mom said he was acting so paranoid today, something different was happening with the door today, it kept blowing open and closing with the wind, which for some reason really freaked him out... he is so strange....

Nap time!

You do seem to sit still for the brush. We are very impressed.
And great yard patrol action. Any squirrels?
It looks like woo lost five pounds of precious Siber Fluff!
Happy Weekend!
Khyra The Pawsylvania Siberian
There are force fields in the universe and sometimes the dumb peoples just don't see them. Consider Scampi your early warning system.
Oh Kira
You look beautiful after being groomed, now that we do like, the water is the nasty part - or is it the soap?
Wonder whats up with Scampi! Be nice to him..............
Martha & Bailey xxx
Whoa Mamma! You look hot hot HOT!! Woooohoooo, I am one lucky Hound dawg :D
See you soon my sweet, love and smooches from your Snoopy-poopy xxxx
That is a lot of Sibe fluff!! But you do look very pretty and your white is sparkling!
Look at all that fur! You look more steamlined now. Don't worry about Scampi. We have to live with Tucker and he's a little off his rocker at times too. It's all good!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Not brushing, too!?!?!?
Are you OK, Kira? Do you want to come hide under the dining room table with me?
WOW. With all the fuzz, you coulda had a little brother. Roo, roo, roo.
awww--so cute, you'll feel better now! i never noticed that cute pink pigment on your nose! how CUTE are you!!!
Oh no! Another scary post. Brushing! Terrible!
Se, we told you things would be better after the bath, well, maybe we should have said after the bath AND the brush - the dreaded brush. Have a nice nap.
Play bows, the OP Pack
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