Pee Ess Woo- We got this cool award from two of the cutest little Basset girls you would ever met. Martha and Bailey, they said it means our blog is as sweet as honey! Thank you girls!
Good morning cupcake :o) Well, it looks as though we kept a low profile at the wedding....maybe that's when we....errm, you know....shared a quiet moment in the anyway, I think we make a fine looking couple, even if we don't make it onto the pages of OK-9 magazine...or maybe we'll show up at the reception later...
You look ravishing today....or is that ravenous? Hehe :D Sweet smoochies from your Snoop xxxx
Whoa, you two eat side by side???? We are in three separate corners of a very big room. And somehow TD and Dakota always manage to finish before me and come sit and stare at me.
We think you are very cute too, but we are not sure about this sharing a dinner bowl so close. We each have on our own spot.
Now that is a bea-woo-tee-ful Siberian! Thanks for all the photos and I didn't see an upset face in the bunch. :-D
Good morning cupcake :o) Well, it looks as though we kept a low profile at the wedding....maybe that's when we....errm, you know....shared a quiet moment in the anyway, I think we make a fine looking couple, even if we don't make it onto the pages of OK-9 magazine...or maybe we'll show up at the reception later...
You look ravishing today....or is that ravenous? Hehe :D
Sweet smoochies from your Snoop xxxx
How could anyone resist such a beewootiful fuzzy face like that. I am glad you got some kibble. Now go take a beauty nap.
We were surprised by the closeness of your food bowls too. Our food bowls are technically in different rooms.
Not because we have any food aggression issues but to give me a chance to eat dinner without Brice stalking my dish.
Princess Eva
You really couldn't be any cuter.
Cheers! H.
Of khourse!
Woo are a SIBERIAN!
Woo are named Kira/Khyra!
What more khan one say?
Khyra The Pawsylvania Siberian
hello kira its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow yoo reely hav to wurk it to get yore fud dont yoo??? ok bye
I'm with the 'Herd! I can't believe you two eat so close together! Our bowls are staggered at 5-6-foot intervals.
Play bows and bone appetite!
Whoa, you two eat side by side???? We are in three separate corners of a very big room. And somehow TD and Dakota always manage to finish before me and come sit and stare at me.
Congrats on your award - you ARE sweet!!!
Tail wags, the OP Pack
I like to woo, woo, woo if Mom is late with dinner. I have her trained quite well.
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