Mommy went to a seminar on Crate training this weekend for her dog school teacher training.Do I look like I need a crate?
Actually Mommy was very motivated to start working with the Border Collie on this as he has a really bad fear of the crate and destroyed one shortly after we had got him. Mom tested what she learned on me first, I of course got it in about 3 minutes. Mom worked with Scampi for about 20 minutes and he got loads of treats , so not fair. She is going to work with him a lot more.
Here is a short video, Mommy highly recommends this trainers videos!
I crate trained a pup I was fostering and he went from hating it to loving it really fast! It was amazing! I am sure Scampi will love it soon. Thanks for sharing that video, I will look her up online... I wonder if she can help Moose stay off the counters!
Our mum has heard lots of good things about crate training however we hate being shut in! Both of us are good as gold if mum goes to work and just leaves us the downstairs rooms. The only damage is if we are shut in one room! We are not sure why although Martha was confined to a kennel for a long time. The video dogs seem to think it is great! love Martha & bailey xxx
hello magic sleigh dogs its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am not shoor yoo need a krate but it luks like yoo mite be a little confyoozd on wot direkshun gravity is suppozd to pull you in just like my sister trixie ha ha ok bye
I love going into my carrier! It's my own private sanctuary! I want Mom to make me a pink camo quilt for in there so the boys will stop napping in it. Love, Ammy
We have crates but we only go in them when we want to and the doors are open. If we are lucky enought to get a real bone, Mom doesn close the doors so we don't finght about them.
Mom was going to post almost the same pic of TD with his paws holding things up.
Ha, my girl....I love that first shot of you, very you think the window sill will fall once you move? We all love our crates....unless we're TOLD to go inside....hey, you should come and see my crate.... Smooches fur your snooter, Your Snoop xxxx
If you ask me, she ought to just shove Scampi into the crate and THROW AWAY THE KEY!!! At least that is what I would want done with the psychotic Border Collie I have to live with!
I'm with woo:
Woo don't need no stinkin' khrate!
Good lukhk to Skhampi - or is that good lukhk to your mom?
Khyra The Pawsylvania Siberian
I crate trained a pup I was fostering and he went from hating it to loving it really fast! It was amazing! I am sure Scampi will love it soon. Thanks for sharing that video, I will look her up online... I wonder if she can help Moose stay off the counters!
Ok, we all LIKE our crates, but none of us LOVE it like the dogs in the video (and we laughed at all of the tennis balls going by).
Our mum has heard lots of good things about crate training however we hate being shut in! Both of us are good as gold if mum goes to work and just leaves us the downstairs rooms. The only damage is if we are shut in one room!
We are not sure why although Martha was confined to a kennel for a long time.
The video dogs seem to think it is great!
Martha & bailey xxx
hello magic sleigh dogs its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am not shoor yoo need a krate but it luks like yoo mite be a little confyoozd on wot direkshun gravity is suppozd to pull you in just like my sister trixie ha ha ok bye
momma has always made sure that we think of our crates as a good place. I like mine so much that I nap in mine several times a day.
Princess Eva
We've all been crate trained and like to just lay in our crates for a nap with the door open. Being incarcerated isn't so bad!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
I love going into my carrier! It's my own private sanctuary! I want Mom to make me a pink camo quilt for in there so the boys will stop napping in it.
We have crates but we only go in them when we want to and the doors are open. If we are lucky enought to get a real bone, Mom doesn close the doors so we don't finght about them.
Mom was going to post almost the same pic of TD with his paws holding things up.
woos, the OP Pack
Ha, my girl....I love that first shot of you, very you think the window sill will fall once you move?
We all love our crates....unless we're TOLD to go inside....hey, you should come and see my crate....
Smooches fur your snooter,
Your Snoop xxxx
Hi Kira!
Luv the pose by the way. I don't have a crate and never liked them anyway. hope this doesn't give mommy any ideas about crate training...!!
I slept in a crate as a puppy but I don't think they make any big enough for me anymore. If they do, it's not called a crate but a camper!
If you ask me, she ought to just shove Scampi into the crate and THROW AWAY THE KEY!!! At least that is what I would want done with the psychotic Border Collie I have to live with!
So your mom is going to be a dog trainer? In that case, do not let her talk to our mom. Let's just keep in between us dogs.
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