Mommy also has this two large furry monsters, one who barks a lot. I do not like that one at all. The quiet one has never bothered me, but she is the largest of Mom's furry creatures. She normally writes this blog, but she let me have a post so I could introduce myself.
This is my favorite toy! It rings and I put my head inside of it to listen to it. It drives Mommy crazy sometimes, because I will ring it for hours.
I like millet and Mommy, but not much else.
Thank you big furry monster for letting me show off my pretty feathers!

This is my favorite toy! It rings and I put my head inside of it to listen to it. It drives Mommy crazy sometimes, because I will ring it for hours.

I like millet and Mommy, but not much else.
Thank you big furry monster for letting me show off my pretty feathers!

Tweety, we are glad you were rescued, but we are thinking The Herd would be WAAAAAY too interested in a bird in a cage.
I will ekhho what The Herd pawed!
I'm sure I would find woo interesting BUT those khritter that lives under you house would probably be my favourite!
Your big furry monster is furry furry nice and OH SO BEAWOOTIFUL!
Khyra The Pawsylvania Siberian
Hello Tweety, it's lovely to meet you....and oh so kind of Kira to let you post to her blog! (Be careful little birdy, that's my woman you're calling a big furry monster!)
I had to paw this instead of our Mum who has an irrational fear of all things flappy!
Umm....slobbers I guess xx
Pee-ess.....do you want to come and clean my teefs? I hear your sort like doing that....i'll be good, I promise....bwahahaha!
oh! it was nice to learn about you sweet Tweety! you've got a lot of entertainment to look down at huh?
Hi Tweety
How nice to meet you. Bailey, in particular, does not like birds but we think you are OK cos you are in your little house.
You are very pretty and we liked seeing your toys.
It is a shame that you have to share your home with furry creatures but at least you are safe and cared for.
Its a bit like that for me - I have to put up with Bailey who can be grumpy at times.
Martha xxx
Surely Tweety, you should be using Twitter!
Cheers! H.
Very nice to meet you Tweety! Mommy says you're very pretty! "Furry monster" may not be a monster after all, if she's kind enough to let you share her blog!! That's mighty nice and generous of her to do so!!
Hello there. Nice to meet you Tweety. Welcome to the crazy medium known as blogging.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Hi Tweety!
It was really nice of Kira the Bewootiful to let you post today.
I think I could sit and watch you all day.
Hi Tweety! We can't imagine having a real birdie inside our house! That would be so much fun!
Angel & Isabella
Hi Tweety- Nice to meet you - Pretty bird, ring that bell as long as you can feathered friend... can you say any words or just make noise?
Kimberly & Bell
Hi Tweety Bird, you are very pretty. Mom has been wondering how we would do with a birdie in the house - she loves canaries but hasn't had one for many years. Nice to meet you, thanks to Kira for giving you some blog time.
woos, the OP Pack
I know what you mean. I like my mom but not those furry beasts. However, perhaps you should rethink the cats.
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