Scampi and I were out doing yard patrol,
Mom has been inside packing clothes and food, because they are leaving us home with the human sister for a while.
Me ,posing by the flowers for Mom

Brugmansia (Angel Trumpet) with red impatiens
Mom says it is too hot for me to be out on the boat in the summer and they will be gone for a while. They are taking a boat trip without me.
I am so sad, and human sister is nice, but she does not play with us too much. At least the paparazzi will be gone with that flashy box for a while. So I will not be able to use the computer or check my friends blogs for a while, so I hope everyone has a safe and happy week,
I will be back!

Brugmansia (Angel Trumpet) with red impatiens

I will be back!
Woo, not fair, but we hope everyone has a good vacation.
I miss woo already!
Have 'fun' - I'm sure woo khan woo the human sister and make her see it is in her best interest to do YOUR bidding!
Khyra The Pawsylvania Siberian
no fair! where are they sailing to??
We will miss you - we know how you love the boat but it will be cooler at home!
Your human sister will take good care of you - if she doesnt she will have us basset sisters to answer to!
We loved your flowers - very pretty.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Kira, we will really miss you, any chance you could snag the keys and come here to visit for a bit?
Woos, the OP Pack
Beawootiful Kira, at least woo will have live-in help, and won't have to go to a boarding place. That way woo can continue to enjoy your own yard & those gorgeous flowers. And Scampi, of course.
Woos & a-roos to yous,
Star & Jack a-roo
Our mom says "Happy sailing!" to your mom.
We hope your peeps have a safe trip. We'll miss seeing you.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Harooo! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your flowers in the yard. I hope your hoomans have a great vacation.
Maybe you can guilt the human sister into extra treats.
We'll miss you!
Princess Eva
p.s. please tell your parents to "boat safe"
Great cover story my girl.....don't go giving away the whereabouts of our romantic hideaway will you? See you soon, just stopped off to get this message to you....but i'm paddling as fast as my little legs will go!
Don't forget the candles....
Your adoring Snoop xxxx
No fair going on vacation without you!!! Boooo!
Safe travels to your bipeds!
Play bows,
I hope your humans have a very happy vacation! It's too bad that you don't get to go, but maybe you and Scampi can figure out how to get your sister to give you more food and treats than normal.
Enjoy your downtime -- see you when you are able to post again!
Love the flower pics! Sorry to hear that you wont be joining for the trip..Have fun though with your human sister!! Going to miss your posts!
Take Care!
Well I know we dogs hate to be left out of exciting adventures, but really, I'm happy to hear that you'll be safe and sound staying on good solid earth.
By the way, was it co-incidence that you were out in the yard whilst the humans were packing? Gail very sneakily always tries to pack her bags when I'm outdoors, as if I'm too stupid to work out she's going away!
Cheers, H.
HaRoooo Kira,
Remember dat dis is kind of a vacation fur woo too! Now what kind of sneaky plans do woo have fur da week?
Husky kisses,
Hi Kira and Scampi! Beautiful pix of you with your flowers! Sorry you aren't getting to go on the trip, but have a nice time with your sister, and we hope your parents have a great time, too!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Hi Pretty Kira, you're name is sooo pretty. Unlike Bell. My mom calls me Belly, Bellerina, Smelly Belly, Smellerina, I mean COME ON. but your name is just super pretty. anywayS ENOUGH ABOUT THAT - i HAVE SOMETHING FOR WOO ON MY BLOGGY...
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