Now, I just have to learn how to climb this tree...

Questions- Yes I do swim in my pool, usually only when I am real hot. I also loved to be splashed at while my humans are in the pool. Mommy does not have any pictures of me in the pool, but promises to take some as soon as I start swimming again!
My new medicine is here, and I started them last night. I am now taking Potassium Bromide, if anyone has had experience with this, fell free to let me know, good or bad.
I know!
It is SOOOO not fair that we khan't khlimb and they khan!
I'm pretty sure some of my other pals take that - I'll share your post!
PeeEssWoo: I have a little wading pool!
Ah ah - now we did say that if you were guarding the backyard something exciting would turn up!
We are coming right over - just stay right where you are.
We can't climb but Bailey can bark some and we have a plan!
Those pesky squirrels will not get the better of us.
Nice to see you looking well - good luck with the new medication - mum has no experience of it! See how it goes.
Martha & Bailey xx
Hey, good luck with the new medicine - sorry we can't help with any info but we sure hope it helps. You have your snooter up in the air for that pesky squirrel - ours are up because we smell SNOW- yes, finally, now that spring has arrived, we are going to get a big storm tomorrow.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hmmm I think you will need to invent a Wile E Coyote style trap to get the little monsters out of the tree...
Big licks to you
Nice work watching and doing your best to keep the squirrels out!
Would you like to borrow our tree-cat? He will get that squirrel down really quick!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Oh! OH! Do I love that first picture of you!!!
Play bows,
Must be patient. The squirel will come down sooner or later, preferably dropping write into your smiling jaws.
You should contact this dog to help you get that squirrel:
I'm glad to see that this whole vet thing hasn't stopped you from doing a good squirrel patrol! I don't know anything about that medicine. I say if it tastes OK, then you'll probably be fine.
Paws crossed,
The dreaded squirrels are everywhere, but you sure look great in that first sentry picture.
I don't know about that medicine but I hope it works great for you.
If you learn how to climb trees, could you please come over and give me lessons? I'd love to figure it out.
My Sibe sis Abby has been on Potassium Bromide for 11 years and has never had another seizure since she began it. There are really no side affects, other than slight weakness to the back end, but at 14 now, she gets around just fine. Another one of my Sibe friends take it too, and he is doing great also. Please feel free to e-mail me (any my mom) at hollyshouse5 @ yahoo. com.
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